Need to note down this thing cause seems like you’ll meet this creature as long as you’re in server storage world.
Todays menu : How to add zoning to SAN Switch for mapping new volume from storage to server .. World Wide Name zoning


This SAN Switch seems like Brocade 300 Switch, read the reference doc at Brocade 300 Switch
Great Introduction into Zoning Topology



  • Plug in serial cable to switch, UTP side to switch and USB side to your laptop
  • Open putty, connection type is serial, speed is 9600 and serial line using whatever COM port that appear in your device manager, example: COM1
  • For safety purpose, backup zoning config using putty session logging, save it as .txt
  • No_Light means no FC cables connected to that port, Online means FC cables connected and WWN is listed ready to configure, No_Module simply no FC module is plugged
  • Zoning is one part of the main goal, after zoning, make new volume to attach to server and make server list that connected to SAN Storage, this part is usually done in Storage Manager

Check Existing Switch Config

SW300:admin> switchshow
switchName:	SW300
switchType:	71.2
switchState:	Online   
switchMode:	Native
switchRole:	Principal
switchDomain:	1
switchId:	fffc01
switchWwn:	10:xx:c4:f5:7c:d5:b7:b4
zoning:		ON (ServerDC)
switchBeacon:	OFF

Index Port Address Media Speed       State   Proto
   0   0   01xxxx   id    N8	   No_Light    FC  
   1   1   0101xx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:xx:24:ff:19:ee:xx 
   2   2   0102xx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:xx:24:ff:1e:40:68 
   3   3   0103xx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  1 N Port + 1 NPIV public 
   4   4   0104xx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  1 N Port + 1 NPIV public 
   5   5   0105xx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:f4:ee:d4:50:yy:ae 
   6   6   0106xx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:xx:24:ff:1e:02:c4 
   7   7   0107xx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:f4:ee:d4:50:yy:8e 
   8   8   0108xx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:xx:24:ff:1e:03:0c 
   9   9   0109xx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:f4:ee:d4:50:yy:ca 
  10  10   010axx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:f4:ee:d4:50:yy:c8 
  11  11   010bxx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:f4:ee:d4:50:87:fc 
  12  12   010cxx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:f4:ee:d4:50:88:04 
  13  13   010dxx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:34:80:0d:6c:ad:b6 
  14  14   010exx   id    N8	   Online      FC  F-Port  21:xx:34:80:0d:6c:ad:c0 
  15  15   010fxx   id    N8	   No_Light    FC  
  16  16   011xx0   --    N8	   No_Module   FC  (No POD License) Disabled
  17  17   0111xx   --    N8	   No_Module   FC  (No POD License) Disabled
  18  18   0112xx   --    N8	   No_Module   FC  (No POD License) Disabled
  19  19   0113xx   --    N8	   No_Module   FC  (No POD License) Disabled
  20  20   0114xx   --    N8	   No_Module   FC  (No POD License) Disabled
  21  21   0115xx   --    N8	   No_Module   FC  (No POD License) Disabled
  22  22   0116xx   --    N8	   No_Module   FC  (No POD License) Disabled
  23  23   0117xx   --    N8	   No_Module   FC  (No POD License) Disabled

Check Existing Zoning Config

SW300:admin> alishow  
Defined configuration:  
 cfg:	ServerDC	  
	Zone_P; Zone_V; Zone_LabA; Zone_LabB;  
 zone:	Zone_P	P_CTRL1_PORT1; P_CTRL2_PORT1  
 zone:	Zone_V	V_CTRL1_PORT1; V_CTRL2_PORT2  
 zone:	Zone_LabA	  
 zone:	Zone_LabB  
 alias:	P_CTRL1_PORT1	  
 alias:	P_CTRL2_PORT1	  
 alias:	V_CTRL1_PORT1	  
 alias:	V_CTRL2_PORT2	  
 alias:	LabA_P1	  
 alias:	LabA_P2	  
 alias:	LabB_P1	  
 alias:	LabB_P2	  

Effective configuration:
 cfg:	ServerDC	
 zone:	Zone_P	50:xx:d3:10:05:5b:9c:08
 zone:	Zone_V	50:xx:d3:10:05:5b:9c:3a
 zone:	Zone_LabA	
 zone:	Zone_LabB	

Delete Zoning Config

SW300:admin> cfgremove "ServerDC", "Zone_Temp_Zoning"
SW300:admin> zonedelete "Zone_Temp_Zoning"
SW300:admin> alidelete "Temp_Zoning"
SW300:admin> cfgsave
The changes you are attempting to save will render the
Effective configuration and the Defined configuration
inconsistent. The inconsistency will result in different
Effective Zoning configurations for switches in the fabric if
a zone merge or HA failover happens. To avoid inconsistency
it is recommended to commit the configurations using the
'cfgenable' command.
Do you want to proceed with saving the Defined
zoning configuration only?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
sw0 Updating flash ...
2020/05/13-01:15:39, [ZONE-1024], 150, FID 128, INFO, SW300, cfgSave completes successfully.
Updating flash ...
2020/05/13-01:15:39, [ZONE-1062], 151, FID 128, WARNING, SW300, Defined and Effective zone configurations are inconsistent.
SW300:admin> cfgenable ServerDC
You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected. If the update includes changes 
to one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result in  
localized disruption to traffic on ports associated with
the traffic isolation zone changes.
Do you want to enable 'ServerDC' configuration  (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
sw0 Updating flash ...
2020/05/13-01:15:51, [ZONE-1022], 152, FID 128, INFO, SW300, The effective configuration has changed to ServerDC.   
zone config "ServerDC" is in effect
Updating flash ...

Add Zoning Config

SW300:admin> alicreate "Something1", "21:xx:34:80:0d:6c:ad:b6"
SW300:admin> alicreate "Something2", "21:xx:34:80:0d:6c:ad:c0"
SW300:admin> zonecreate "Zone_Something1", "Something1; V_CTRL1_PORT1; V_CTRL2_PORT2"
SW300:admin> zonecreate "Zone_Something2", "Something2; V_CTRL1_PORT1; V_CTRL2_PORT2"
SW300:admin> cfgadd "ServerDC", "Zone_Something1; Zone_Something2"
SW300:admin> cfgenable ServerDC
You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected. If the update includes changes 
to one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result in  
localized disruption to traffic on ports associated with
the traffic isolation zone changes.
Do you want to enable 'ServerDC' configuration  (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
sw0 Updating flash ...
2020/05/13-01:22:06, [ZONE-1022], 153, FID 128, INFO, SW300, The effective configuration has changed to ServerDC.   
zone config "ServerDC" is in effect
Updating flash ...
SW300:admin> cfgsave
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
action will only save the changes on Defined configuration.
If the update includes changes to one or more traffic isolation
zones, you must issue the 'cfgenable' command for the changes
to take effect.
Do you want to save the Defined zoning configuration only?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Nothing changed: nothing to save, returning ...